Saturday, 18 April, We've been to the Motorbeurs in de Margriethal in Schiedam.
It was not raining so I went there on my '74 Yamaha RD200 and my moped friend Peter,
who is also a member of moped group "Het Zuigerveertje" went there on his Suzuki GT 125.
Schiedam is about 15 kilometers from Delft, the city where we live.
(Delft blue is well known all over the world, Only little people know the Delft Blue
has nothing to do with that tiny handpainted stuff, It's al about the blue smoke we make here
in Delft with our two-stroke mopeds and motorcycles.)
My '69 Zundapp KS 100 has traffic registration already but isn't finished yet, Peter's '70 KS 100
is finished but has no registration yet, that's why we went to Schiedam Japanese style.
We arrived at half past ten and there were already many people arrived with interesting
mopeds like Zundapp, Kreidler, Honda and Puch and a lot of motorcycles. It's a pity i didn't bring my camera with me.
Inside the Margriethal I saw a lot of People I Know and a although it was ment for
motorcycles I saw a lot of mopeds and a nice ' 76 Zundapp KS 125, the 17 pk with the
Big cylinder, After walking a while I saw a brand new BING 19 MM, and asked for the price
The price was rigth and I asked if the salesman had more of these, and Yes he had.
One brand new sealed in plastic for the same price. I bought both of them, One to put on my
1973 Zundapp super sport moped, which is now fitted with a Bing 17 MM with adjustable
jet, and one to keep in the original sealing. (see picture of both)
After looking around i walked back to the KS125 and saw a lot of people looking at it
and heard them talk about it and how clean and original he was.
They also talked about the price and I thought, if i could get it a bit cheaper I
would buy it. The Salesman saw I was interested and started talking to me about the KS 125.
I said i was interested but I already have two Zundapp motorcycles and I prefer the 517 / 518 model
instead of the tube-frame like all the 17 PK KS 125 are,
and that those two KS 100's are already too much for me. Then he said i could buy the Zundapp
just for the price I had in mind.
After thinking two seconds I gave him the money and nowI'm the
happy owner of three Zundapp motorcycles.
(The pictures are taken with my Webcam, not very good quality)